William Shakespeare

Its inception :

Shakespeare was born in bladders Stratford in April at in 1564 and left Shakespeare study at the age of thirteen because of the bankruptcy of his father, and the work of a butcher . At the age of eighteen and a half married William Anne Hataaoy was greater than eight years has been begotten of Shakespeare's three children: Susanna and Judith Hunt Shakespeare was in love with the sport of fishing and because this hobby was forced to flee from his hometown to London.
After arriving to London joined the Shakespeare some difference of representative licensed representation at that time , such as ( Lester ) and (Lord Strange ) and ( Black Frayarz ) and it was longer plays for representation and represents sometimes has played Shakespeare in the theater rotation are : the role of ( stealth ) in play ( Hamlet ) and the role of Adam in the play ( as You Like you ) and despite that these roles were of only secondary roles they Aattiyan a full opportunity Representative of representation.
In 1596 again returned to Stratford and was traveling between his property, and then settled in his village in 1611

And death :

Shakespeare died in Stratford village in 1616 at the age of 52 after he completed his 37 plays and some poems .

Works of Shakespeare :

1 - poems : in the late sixteenth century and exactly in the twenties last there was a fondness severe his book (Sonnet) Despite the fact that Shakespeare was writing for the impact on readers to confirm immortality later , but we are in this kind of poems we find honest in emotion in some cases, and freedom from The absolute decorations and so it was different from his contemporaries in different treated in this poetic form of poems .
2 - Plays : Shakespeare wrote several plays , including Hamlet - King Lear - Muriolanos - Storm - The Merchant of Venice - Henry V - Birklas .

Shakespeare features :

Shakespeare was careful observation teaches everything from seen and reflect his plays accuracy observed this . Shakespeare was a man who literally think deeply in human lessons that you need to learn from them and benefit so full of his work in this deep thinking and philosophical overviews and lessons humanity. As well as Shakespeare does not have a repeat of his characters personality in the sense that it has not given us a personal twice.