How wife cause impotence

Beginning of impotence is the inability to have an erection to start the process of citizenship or inability to maintain erection to supplement practice . It is here we see that the erection weakness in the beginning and during the same practice .
This has caused the wife to her husband impotence if irritating, create neurological problems, lasting depression , the husband in this case would not have had any desire or any longing towards it , and as long as there is no desire , there will be no process nationality nor an erection . If you tried to pair the meeting with his wife on that duty, or that he has the right , or was forced to , the erection will not occur and that event will be for a few seconds , and the premature ejaculation of the first response and rapid ejaculation here kind of get rid of this situation is desirable .
May also be a desire to exist, and when the meeting between the couple , the husband sees his wife , who does not please him or smell undesirable , the simplest of the suffering is the lack of erection, and we find it straining himself in futile attempts to bring about an erection , making it the perspiring so as to prove to himself and his wife that he still able to have an erection , and preoccupied with his emotions and feelings do nor receives any fun or feeling beautiful .
In addition to the above factors add that it may ask the wife or hint that it wants from her husband of more than capacity generic , causing weaker sex for the husband because he is trying to exercise her sex without desire or ability occurs not an erection or he was very heavy because he felt that he shorted and his sense of inferiority urging him unable to sexual intercourse is normal or even the ability for the exercise , which will be once a week.
We also find that many of the wives would make a the subject of sex a source of pressure on the pair to achieve certain demands , or thought she sinner as long as prevent her husband from the practice of generic at the time they desire , it will still want them and miss them and repeating this process, the pair will try to avoid his wife and thus becomes a habit and has less desire and thus weaken the hand of his wife sexually .