Diet abdomen in 6 steps

Diet abdomen in 6 steps

1 - Sleep
Because a good sleep and early in controlling the body's biological clock
Because the first thing that happens when we change our sleep schedules, we need a greater amount of food.

2 - Exercise
Noting that violent exercise does not come up, it is important be mild Sports and movement of the body on a daily basis to help burn fat.
3 - Avoid sugars
Take care of protein and fresh vegetables.
Take care of vitamin C because it has the ability to configure the compound creatine, which helps to convert fat in the body to benefit the energy body.
5 - Eat healthy fats
Not all fats are harmful, in healthy fats, is what I Tagged with Omega 3 and this exists in fish, salmon , tuna , walnuts , almonds and avocados.
6 - Slowing down the process of breathing
 This is an effective way to burn belly fat until you lead your normal daily business , breathing slowly reduces tension and delivers a sufficient amount of oxygen to the brain and helps to focus and helps to burn fat dramatically.