How can I be positive ?

A director of the Office which is always in a good mood , and when someone asked him how is it going ? Answered him immediately ' Excellent ' and many of his staff left their jobs and moved with him when he moved to the post office and that in order to stay with him for what? Because this manager was inundated all around him an atmosphere of encouragement and enthusiasm. If passed any employee bad day it will be there to help him and to teach him how to look at the topic in a positive and after seeing this behavior from him. It made me think .... Then ask him : I do not understand , how you can be positive all the time ? He replied : ' Every morning when I wake up is I have two options : either to be in a good mood or to be in a bad mood and I choose always to be in a good mood and each time gets a bad thing is I also have two choices: either to be a victim and that either I learn from it and I always choose to learn from it and every time someone takes a complaint be 've got two options : either to accept the complaint and either explained to the people the positive side of it and I always choose to make it clear to people the positive side of the matter.
I said to him : But it is not an easy thing to an individual manager: but it is easy .. The life in general related to options and if summed up positions with you , you will find it in the end be an options , you choose how to be a reaction in a certain position , as well as choose how it will be your influence on others, and also choose to be the mood is bad or good and ultimately it is your choice how you live your life .
Every day, you have two choices , either to enjoy your life and either hate and Tmguetha , and go to your miserable and back of the house miserable and hate your circumstances and your life and around you all because of your choice since this morning . And the only thing that really owned and which no one can take him or controlled is : { your outlook for life } If managed attention thus everything in life will become easier