The Diamond Planet

Planet in Space announced the discovery was the study of the planet and analysis of space, planet finder contains trillions of diamonds, because the soil and rocks, even mountains, is bound to be mostly of diamond ore deposits, but also the most expensive diamond price, a pink color. 
And scientists released the name of WASP-12b on the planet and said they had identified the presence lens "Speyzer" of the U.S. space agency (NASA), a telescope uses infrared to monitor the astronomical phenomena and analysis, and mentioned that the richest planet carbon to be discovered, which is larger than Jupiter, and close to its star 40 times more than the near-Earth from the sun. 
But it is close to such a degree from the sun, the rotation speed is enormous to the point of course is with her around once every day, any year in which the period of 24 hours, so life is impossible known it, a high temperature of over 4200 degrees Celsius. 
The proximity to the sun makes him a prisoner of attractiveness almost entirely, attract the sun a lot, which of gaseous contents, robber of its articles of carbon every moment, enough to produce millions of diamonds annexed to the surface before they melt the tongues of flame and fire. 
It is the planet in the "Group of the reins" known as Auriga Latin, which brings together famous long ago for astronomers and a 6 suns position astronomer to the left of "a hunter", also known as Orion, where it appears the star President "Kabella" The most obvious and most brighter for those who see with the naked eye celestial serenity time on the ground. 
And proved to study the planet that the richest planets discovered so far carbon, known as the element that turns into diamonds when dealt with high temperature class, which means that unlike the land component of some faces and most of its skin of oxygen and silicon present in the sand and rocks of fire, so graphite and rough diamonds are on that planet as dirt and completely mountains and rocks on the ground, according to what can be deduced from the study. 
This vast universe complex "diverse and beautiful and rich, in 2004, for example, have been found in which the first" urgent "giant-sized ground almost, but they were not a planet, but a star of diamonds in full, and was discovered by astronomers Americans," University of Iowa "in mid-2008, They said that the first star completely component of solid diamond, not fused materials to the burning gases as they are usually suns. 
They said that the Star Diamond "close" relatively, is located in the Milky Way galaxy away 17 light-years from Earth, and it is composed entirely of carbon and oxygen amorphous, so it appeared to them in the photographs taken by telescope Hubble in the form of an urgent big green tilted to the blue, a shine in space term. 
the scientists named "Lucy" on the star diamond, and said that the inner part of a star Old was in the past a bright like the sun completely, but its fuel faded and waned, but the discovery gave astronomers an indication that the hearts of stars such as hearts stones carbon on the top floor: diamonds amorphous .