Sex education for children

Sex education for children

The stage of " Pre-K ": from the age of one day to three years

Some psychologists say that 80 % of human learning stems mainly from this stage in childhood.

Keywords in this phase are: the body, separate entity , control , security , and finally confidence .

This stage is characterized readiness of the child to know his own body landmarks , and control in achieving security for himself and his acceptance of himself as being a boy or girl . Also psychological openness to trust another person . All these factors are essential and play a very important role in sexual health during the various stages of growth , and then show its importance more clearly in the marital relationship later.

The primary duties of parents towards their children at this stage:

1 - Provide contact the health of the baby .

2 - rapid response to the basic needs of the child , whether physical or emotional .

3 - provide security for the child.

4 - Approval wise the urgent desire of the child to learn and experience everything around him.

5 - Training to control defecation and urination .

6 - to provide information on apparent differences between male and female.

It is important that both parents share in this responsibility . For your information the people can rectify mistakes , as long as empowered love and care for their children.

Objectives to be achieved at this stage

1 - Body Awareness 

Normally , you do not have a newborn baby has sufficient awareness of a separate entity , and the feeling of helplessness and total dependence on his parents in everything. But he starts to feel his needs when they feel hunger , thirst and pain, and make sure that he has a special body separate from the others when the cast of care required for the needs of his parents . Therefore, one of the most fundamental factors that must be developed during the development of the child , is the sensation of his body and how its interaction with the environment around it.

2 - Control Body

At this stage, the child begins to learn the physical skills and gradually used in various ways in order to discover how to discover the dimensions employs its capabilities, for example , in the BIOS, and the discovery of various members , and things around him. Through these experiments testing the child what is the scope of its borders , and its ability to control, and the power of his own will . Will result in these experiments, basis of sexual configured . If confirmed for the child he has various members of his body , you'll learn how to be independent and confident himself.

3 - Contact and separation ( and individual affiliation )

A child who has difficulty in separation from his parents also will find it difficult to contact or to give himself to another person . Some parents encourage the adoption of the child Faculty of them so they do not feel lonely, and this creates children dependent on others , even in adulthood. And excessive dependence on the other due to the absence of a sense of the independent entity creates a healthy reaction in relationships with others.

The most important point to keep in mind at this stage is that the first relationship in a child 's life are brought by with his parents. Although you do not talk openly with your child about sexual health, but you give it in your behavior and your valuable messages with him have a deeper impact on its ability to establish a healthy relationship later. Including the fact that healthy marriage is mainly based on a couple each independent entity , they are good friends and at the same time in each community outside of their relationship .

4 - sexual identity

Important roles at this stage that the child learns about the differences between gender. Boys are boys and girls are girls. Many thus learn about the role of boys and girls or men and women , begins at this early age . It is important at this stage to be a child's gender identity of its own. So the parents inform the child about the differences between boys and girls and what each is doing .

Note : It is normal at this stage to explore the child's genitals and touching and there is no fault in this matter. And parents or carers understanding of this matter and not to embarrass him because of it , even beyond this stage safely.

As well as providing love and care is required in this age, but offset lack of love that child suffers from it in different ways . For example, some children may become genital touching is the only thing that gives them a sensual pleasure and affection they need.