Solar cell

Solar cell is a device that converts solar energy directly into electrical energy , taking advantage of the optical effect Donations Item .

Using clusters of solar cells ( solar modules ) to capture energy from sunlight, when they are assembling multiple units together ( where the priority installation system tracking polar laptop) is the installation of these photovoltaic cells as a single unit is routed on a single surface is called a panel of solar energy (solar panel.) ..And is an example of the use of solar energy ( solar energy ) .. Photovoltaics is the field of technology and research related to the practical application in the production of electricity from light , but even though it is often used specifically with reference to the generation of electricity from sunlight. Described as photovoltaic cells, cells but not the light source is the sun , for example, (light lamp, artificial light , etc. .. ). PV cells are used to detect light or other electromagnetic radiation near the visible light range , such as the detection of infrared radiation, or measure the intensity of light .

:Solar cell made ​​of a single crystal of silicon

Many crystals in silicon solar panel .
Photovoltaic ( English : Photovoltaics PV) known as photovoltaic cells. Through which sunlight is converted directly into electricity , through the use of semiconductors such as silicon , which is extracted from pure sand . In general, materials of these cells either crystalline material as thick as crystalline silicon Crystalline Silicon or material amorphous thin as a silicon amorphous (Amorphous Silicon a-Si) and Cadmium (Telluride CdTe) or (Copper Indium Diselenide CuInSe ^ 2, or CIS) or materials deposited as
Energies is considered a form of renewable and clean energy , because it do not result in operation contaminated waste no noise , no radiation , no need for fuel. But the cost of primary high compared to other energy sources . The solar cell generates electricity continuously and directly ( as it is in liquid and dry batteries normal).
The severity of the current depends on the time of the brightness of the sun and the intensity of the sun , as well as the efficiency of the photovoltaic cell itself in the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. These solar cells give hundreds of volts of continuous DC voltage if these cells reached respectively. The resulting energy can be stored in acid batteries made ​​from lead or metal base made ​​of nickel and cadmium . It can convert DC power to AC DC AC by the converter reflectors for use and management of household electrical appliances and industrial normal.
Advantage that it does not have moving parts exposed to malfunction. This works over satellite with high efficiency , and in particular it does not need maintenance or repairs or fuel, where she works in silence , but the dirty photovoltaic cells as a result of pollution , dust , lead to a reduction in efficiency , which requires cleaned at intervals.
Largest power station is currently working solar cells are found in Spain and 23 MW . It is planned to build the largest solar cell plant in Australia a capacity of 154 MW . And solar cells operating in the satellite since 1960 as supply the International Space Station ISS electricity .
Another way to convert solar energy into electrical energy through the use of direct heat of the sun or the so - called solar thermal electricity.