Night terror or panic disorder during sleep

Dread Night is a psychological condition occurs during sleep, which is a bout intense fear with tension and horror of the dream scary not remember the person, and is accompanied by dread waking up from sleep and general anxiety in the morning does not remember the person any of this horror , or causes or dream accompanying him.
Abound these cases of horror night or panic when the children until the age of 15 years and the proportion of males than females , come the case in children who suffer from psychological pressure or the presence of instability family or scenes of violence in the family, these cases often occur during light sleep any immediately before the morning and repeated one or more times each week or disappear and then return period .
This is the case when replicated parents must take into account the following guidelines:
1 - keep children away from watching horror movies and scary scenes .
2 - not to scare children fairy tales of scary.
3 - Child Support tenderness and not leave him and forcing him to sleep in a dark room .
4 - Revision psychiatrist to receive guidance and support behavioral psychological needed .