The True Happiness

Is rumoured that there was a U.S. billionaire in his late sixties started from scratch and built a vast wealth of Commerce and Business Administration , SWOT for many years , day and night
After all these years of effort and planning and to ensure believes that the time has come for comfort and complacency
He travels from one country to another , enjoying breathtaking views and fresh air is nice
At the same day , he was sitting on his chair in the spacious courtyard in front of a luxury homes on the largest rivers of Mexico
He drew consideration the presence of the Mexican fisherman simple case engaged in fishing
He looked at the American businessman to the case that fisherman found a fishing boat Old dilapidated and primitive fishing gear as he saw his side many quantity of fish
When the fisherman saw brings an exclamation tools and fisherman called to talk to him when he came to him asked him :
" How much time you need to hunt for such a quantity of fish ?"
Hunter said : "Sometimes a few minutes and sometimes up to two hours , sir "
Billionaire asked him : "only" ?
Hunter answered yes , a wonder in itself : This rich man why cares? ! !
Returned and billionaire asked him : " Why do not you spend longer if fishing and earn more money " ? ! !
Hunter replied : "What of fish enough for me and my wife and my children ... and when I want to buy something I fished more to the buy it "
Billionaire Marveled and asked him: " simple " ? ! !
Fisherman said quietly : " Yes , I sleep enough time .. wake up .. baited active enough .. go back to sleep in the daytime naps .. wake up to care about my children and my wife .. sometimes at night stroll around with friends in the village and sit in the night .. Sir, I am my life is full and I do not like that filled work . "
The old billionaire shook his head in the lack of conviction and then said to him : " I'll give you a word of advice .. I gave him years - old man long great experiences :
First : we must devote every day for fishing .. Even doubling the amount of fishing and thus doubles profit
Second: after a period of financial savings with your progress buy the largest and newest boat to help in time to earn a lot of money .
Third: You can thereafter However savings winnings that buy several fishing boats
Fourth: you 'll find yourself , after a period is not large fleet owner great for fishing and rather than spend the time and effort to sell fish directly to the people rest for sale to distributors .
Finally : After all this success and will be able to easily arise canneries your own and that you can control your production of fish and also the distribution amounts
And so on .. From one success to another to become a millionaire or a billionaire.
This is the real happiness , man . "
Silence angler to billionaire seconds and then asked the old man : "But sir .. How much time do I need to like it" ?
The billionaire laughed and said : " This is due to the extent of skill in dealing with life .. but I think that between 15 to 20 years only"
Fisherman eyebrows contract he asks : " What next ?"
Shined kind billionaire , he says: " own million dollars , man "
The fisherman 's attention to the man then returned and asked him: " What next ?"
Billionaire 's attention to hunter and replied: " Trade and misery left for your kids and enjoy what is left you old .. relax in luxury homes in the most beautiful parts of the earth ..
Enjoy with your spouse , your children and your grandchildren .. Siesta sleep that I wanted .. And play with your grandchildren .. Do whatever you want , man ! " !
He smiled fisherman , he says quietly : " Do you want me to spend nearly 20 years of my life in continuous work ..
I do not see my children and my wife , but a little bit .. Not enjoy my time or my health , not even my money
All this sacrifice him out in the end to ( what I originally ) " ? ! ! !
Then complete : "If true happiness as you said in the relaxation and peace of mind
And the presence in the middle of the wife and children and enjoy the company of friends and family
I now live this happiness fact, I do not find reason makes me Delay  the 20 - year - old . "